What is the role of the temperature control valve of the vulcanizing machine
Release Date:2020-04-14 13:31:14
The vulcanizing machine equipment is composed of many large and small parts. These parts have their own special functions, which are indispensable for their duties. Let's talk about the role of the temperature control valve of the vulcanizing machine.
Vulcanization machine temperature control valve is the most important adjustment equipment for heating system flow adjustment. Other adjustment valves are auxiliary equipment, so temperature control valve is necessary. A heating system cannot be called a heat metering and charging system without a temperature control valve. In the design of temperature control valves, the correct selection is very important. The purpose of temperature control valve selection is to determine the KV value (flow coefficient) of the resistance drop based on the design flow rate (under known thermal load); then determine the diameter (model) of the temperature control valve from the KV value. Therefore, the design atlas or manufacturer's samples must give the relationship between KV value and diameter, otherwise it is not convenient for designers.
In the selection design of the temperature control valve of the vulcanizing machine, it is not simply to choose the temperature control valve with the same caliber as the pipeline. It is to create an ideal pressure difference working condition for the selected temperature control valve during the selection process. The working pressure difference of a temperature control valve is usually between 2 ~ 3mH2O, and the maximum is not more than 6 ~ 10mH2O. To this end, it is necessary to give the range of the preset value of the temperature control valve to prevent noise and affect the normal operation of the temperature control valve. When there are more than two caliber choices under the same KV value, the thermostatic valve with a small caliber should be preferentially selected, in order to improve the thermostatic valve's adjustment performance.